A bank largely owned by the Russian government has Cargill Inc. in its crosshairs.
The state-owned bank's quest is centered around the $2 billion failure of a privately owned Russian bank, Rost Bank, in 2017.
National Bank Trust, an arm of Russia's central bank, alleges in New York federal court that Rost Bank's owner committed fraud through several of his affiliated companies in the British Virgin Islands — and that Cargill and about 20 other global trading firms abetted that fraud.
Minnetonka-based Cargill says such claims are balderdash. The Russian bank's allegations are "replete with errors, false assumptions and fundamental misunderstandings," Cargill said in a U.S. court filing.
The legal battle hinges on a series of complex commodity financing deals that highlight an often overlooked and obscure business in Cargill's global empire: structured trade finance. For Cargill, it often involves financing to banks in less developed financial markets.
A lawyer for National Bank Trust claims in a federal court filing that Cargill and other traders — including global grain giants Louis Dreyfus and Bunge — were aware of the fraud or "turned a blind eye" to it.
In a court filing, Cargill said the bank is seeing "imaginary problems" in legitimate trade deals.
In May, National Bank Trust — which recoups losses from failed lenders — submitted a fraud conspiracy claim in a British Virgin Islands court against Cargill and the other traders to recover Rost Bank's $2 billion loss. In April, it also won a U.S. court order in New York to subpoena several U.S. banks for records from the trading companies, including Cargill, pertaining to the alleged fraud.